Satellite terminals

The satellite terminals in our offer can be divided into several classes, depending on their size and potential area of ​​application. 

  • Manpack class terminals: the SatPack family or the Phoenix flat terminal are a group of lightweight, modular&portable terminals designed to be carried and operated by a single operator, ensuring reliable communication in all conditions. They are designed to work with transmitters with a power of 5W up to 40W in X, Ku and Ka bands, integrating modems manufactured by Teledyne Technologies, NDSatCom, Comtech or ST Engineering iDirect.
  • FlyAway class terminals, as SMART – are medium-sized stations equipped with an automatic pointing system, based on antennas with aperture sizes from 1.8 m to 2.4 m. They can be supported with dedicated ACU antenna controller, as well as the capability to transfer data between IDU and ODU based on a fiber optic link. The SMART terminals are available also with innovative No-IDU module, mounted directly on the antenna – alternative to classic IDU configuration.
  • OTP/OTM systems - terminals installed on vehicles, enabling fast and reliable communication on-the-move and on-the-pause, as well as deploying mobile command posts.
  • HUB/MASTER stations, acting as command centers and interconnecting points mainly dedicated for integration with extensive user infrastructure. 

The division of terminals into classes is often subjective, dependent on the manufacturer, and therefore may be misleading. If you cannot find a terminal that meets your needs, please visit the Configure your terminal tab.